

ESG - Grupo Bravante

It is our purpose to leave a positive legacy in view of the social and environmental impacts generated by our services. The ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) practices of Bravante Group are structured and treated seriously and with awareness. We are a company committed to social and environment preservation actions. We aim for good governance in every moment of our routine.

Learn about some of the practices that are part of our ESG Program:

Internal Matrices


We regard our workforce with the same care we have towards the local community. We identify internal practices that may generate an environmental impact and transform diagnoses into actions.

  • Replacement of cups with individual, reusable bamboo cups;
  • Collection of plastic caps for donation to the project Rodando com Tampinhas;
  • Destination of disposed PPEs for reuse.


We want to be a company that makes possible the professional growth without gender, race, sexual orientation or any kind of discrimination. With that in mind, our calendar of in-house actions provides for:

  • Bravante Group Census: annual research whose purpose is to monitor the inclusion of diversities in our workforce and the promotion of gender and race equality;
  • Campaigns against racism and homophobia as a way to embrace race and sexual orientation diversities
  • Educational campaigns to embrace people with disabilities, whatever it is;
  • Promotion of positions exclusive for people with disabilities;
  • Yellow September, Pink October, and Blue November actions to build a supportive work environment aware of the health of its associates.
